
How to access applications when you are the reviewer

Option A

  1. Click on the link in the notification email
  2. Click on 'Review Application' button in the left-hand panel.
  3. Click on 'Filter Questions' in the centre of the screen and navigate through the application using the arrows in the left-hand panel
  4. Documents - there is a documents button in the left-hand panel with items listed (submission in the PDF version of the application) - you should be able to download all of these.

Option B

  1. Log in
  2. Opens your 'Work area'
  3. Click on the 'Lead Applicant' box
  4. Click on your name - takes you to the study timeline
  5. Click on 'Review Application' button in the left-hand panel.
  6. Click on 'Filter Questions' in the centre of the screen and navigate through the application using the arrows in the left-hand panel
  7. Documents - there is a documents button in the left-hand panel with items listed (submission in the PDF version of the application) - you should be able to download all of these.

How to add comments

Please use the comments feature

  1. While reviewing the application,
  2. Click on +New Comment
  3. Select the question you want to leave a comment beside.
  4. You have the option to leave a comment or select change request to request a change
  5. You also have the option to make the comment hidden to the applicant by clicking 'Hidden from applicant'

PLEASE NOTE: When adding in comments only two lines are visible at a time. The text box can be expanded by clicking and dragging the bottom-right corner of the textbox.