
How it works The online ethics application system replaces Microsoft Word application form to enable speedier turnaround times for low-risk applications; reduce the number of re-submissions by decreasing the chances of forgetting to upload supporting documents for all applications and with auto submission once signatures are in place you can rest assured the application has been submitted to the QMEthics team.

The applicant is kept updated by email alerts at each step of the workflow including actions they need to carry out, such as including more information regarding a question.

The QMEthics team Research-ethics@qmul.ac.uk

Harriet Canty: Research Ethics Facilitator I joined the QMEthics team in November 2021. I have a BA in History, with a year abroad (in Berlin) from Queen Mary, focusing on medical and gender history.

Dr Nooreen Shaikh: Senior Research Ethics Facilitator I graduated from Queen Mary with a BSc in Genetics and Microbiology. I did my PhD at UCL in Salamander limb regeneration. I then spent some years working in research at KCL and Imperial College London, moving into research ethics and joining the QMEthics team in January 2023